Monday, March 9, 2009

Readings 3/9

1. The Evolution of Art
Genetic predisposition to art

2. Rethinking the American Dream
The metrics of the Dream have changed, but it is still attainable

3. Frankenfood to GMourmet
No-Kill Carnivore
Dual-Perspectives on the future of genetic engineered food

A form of economic stimulus in & of itself

5. Is Courage a Masculine Virtue?
Two different views on courage

6. The Joy of Soy
- and the future of tofu

7. To Hell with Niceness
Written in the context of the U.K., but true here

8. How Radio Wrecks the Right
Limbaugh and Co do more harm than good to the GOP

9. Burgeoning Bourgeoisie
For the first time in history more than half the world is middle-class